Why Survey Your Customers?
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Why Survey your Customers?

The following are all compelling reasons to survey your customers:

  • Customer Loyalty: Understand the magic – what they like about you and what they dislike. Knowing what keeps them coming back over and over again is the secret to your success. Loyalty is the magic when they start talking about you and referring you to others.

  • Customer satisfaction: Satisfied customers are those who do not have outstanding negative issues concerning you on their mind. This doesn’t mean everything has always been perfect. Sometimes things may not have gone all right. In all such situations you gave your customers a chance to talk to you. Sympathetic listening to customers is essential. Online surveys provide a way where customers get a chance to get their side of the story out without being interrupted. A second essential is follow-through. Proper tools of analysis will help you segment your customers into different categories based on what you need to do in return.

  • Effective Communication: By inviting customers to talk to you and through careful design of your survey you can effectively inform your customers about things they may not know or remind them of important changes or innovations in your organization. This is clever because customers will read your survey more carefully than most other communication you send them.

  • Spotting Trends: Beyond understanding the drivers behind loyalty and satisfaction of your customers, you can benefit from the wisdom of the masses by asking them for their ideas and spotting patterns in their feedback. Spotting such trends ahead of competition could offer you a significant advantage.