Zarca Interactive

Sample Surveys for Associations/ Sample Questions for Surveys for Associations

This association member satisfaction survey asks members about their overall engagement and satisfaction in the organization. The questionnaire addresses event attendance/value received, networking opportunities, and overall benefit of membership.

This survey will ask about your satisfaction with your Association membership. Your opinions are very important - thank you for sharing them with us.
What type of Association membership do you have?
Individual Only
Company/Organizational Only
Both Individual and Company/Organizational
Overall, how satisfied are you with your Association membership?
How likely would you be to recommend an Association membership to a colleague?
How much value do you think the Association membership adds to you or your organization's development?
Do you attend any Association events?
How many Association events have you attended over the past 12 months?
2 - 4
5 - 7
8 - 10
More than 10
Overall, how satisfied have you been with Association events?
How does the price of the Association events compare with the value that you derive from them?
How can the Association make events more valuable to you? Please feel free to share any suggestions regarding future topics, formats, locations, speakers, duration, or any other event component that is important to you.
Characters Remaining:
How does the cost of the annual Association membership compare with the value that you derive from it?
In your experience, what benefits does the Association membership best provide?
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In your experience, what benefits does the Association membership best provide?
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How often do you read the Association's monthly publication?
Please indicate to what extent you agree with the statements below about the Association's monthly publication.
Disagree Completely
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Completely Agree
The publication is too short.
The publication contains too much information.
The publication is not interesting.
The publication is relevant to my professional activities.
I do not have enough time to read the publication in full.
The publication adds value to the Association membership.
How could the Association improve its monthly publication? Please share whatever ideas you may have regarding the content, format, distribution, or any other component of the publication.
Characters Remaining:
Why do you not read the Association's monthly publication? Please check all that apply.
Do not have the time
Find the topics uninteresting
Do not receive the monthly publication
Find the topics irrelevant professionally
Publication is too long
What could the Association do to encourage you to read the monthly publication? Please share whatever ideas you may have regarding the content, format, distribution, or any other component of the publication.
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To what extent would you like to increase your opportunities to get to know the other Association members?
Not at all
A little bit
Very much
What would be your one preferred method for getting to know the other Association members?
In-person networking events
Virtual networking events
Association website
Association membership directory
A newsletter
Social/cultural events
To date, to what extent have you been able to develop professional relationships with other organizations due to your Association membership?
Not at all
A little bit
Very much
To what extent have these professional relationships contributed to your business activities; for example, by generating leads?
Not at all
A little bit
Very much