Our uncompromising commitment to every customer’s success through
training, support and ongoing technical innovation of our solution sets Zarca
Interactive apart.
Given the opportunity and risk associated with surveys, surveying is rapidly
evolving from a fragmented, ad-hoc and non-critical activity to a strategic
undertaking with controls, centralized data collection and management oversight.
Reporting and Analysis of Survey Data
While data collection is essential to every survey, it is the analysis of that
data leading to discovery of new insight that is the real goal behind surveys.
Zarca’s solution comes with a twelve reports allowing real-time and ad-hoc
analysis of data including drill-down capabilities. Segmentation Analysis and
3-Level Cross Tab reports are only a matter of a few clicks and can be generated
by any user without the need for background in mathematics or statistics.
Reports can be viewed as Tables or Charts. Full integration with Microsoft
Office suite allows for reports to be instantly imported for presentations.
Integrity and Reliability of Survey Data
While the first wave of online survey tools made it easy to collect data, there
was a marked degradation in the reliability associated with such data. Zarca’s
solution incorporates Best Practices that can address these concerns. By
integrating respondent identity and demographics (in non-anonymous surveys only)
our solution eliminates ballot-box stuffing and eliminates doubts about the
source of data. Such control is possible for data collected in any mode: online,
via paper or phone. Making a survey anonymous improves response rates and leads
to more candid feedback. Data validation ensures your survey does not succumb to
garbage-in garbage-out (gigo). Executives can use survey findings as a basis of
critical decisions without worrying about survey integrity.
Improve your Response Rates
Survey fatigue and spam filters continue to deflate response rates in online
surveying. Concerns over identity theft and data privacy compound the same
problem. Whether with a sound basis or not, fears in the minds of survey
participants that their IP address can give away their identity has led
respondents to avoid participating in online surveys or sugar-coat their
responses. Many that respond feel no obligation to truthfully report their
demographics due to similar concerns, skewing your findings. With each of these
challenges associated with online surveying, Zarca’s solution can help you. We
can significantly improve the delivery of your survey invitations using our
Trusted Email Relay technology. Our Touch Rules Manager lets your company
distinguish itself in a crowded world of surveyors helping reduce survey
fatigue. You can offer Zarca-backed anonymous surveys for HR studies, helping
build a culture of trust and improving response rates.
Collaboration with Stakeholders
At each step of your survey project – from questionnaire design and testing to
data collection to reporting and analysis – Zarca’s solution makes it easy for
you to collaborate with all stakeholders online. Each stakeholder can be
assigned a unique login id with flexible controls on what they can access.
Single-click collaboration allows you to invite others to view a questionnaire
or report and offer their feedback.
Survey Participants’ Bill of Rights
Online tools make it easy to conduct surveys which has led to over-surveying and
that in turn has resulted in user apathy and survey fatigue. Is there any reason
your customers should regard a survey from you any differently than all the
other surveys they receive via email? Now you can give them one. A Customer
Survey Participation Bill of Rights, no less. Core elements of such a Bill of
Rights are your description of how you safeguard the privacy of their survey
response and how often they can expect to be surveyed by you. By self-imposing a
limit on how many times a customer is asked for feedback over a given period,
you are communicate the important message that you respect their time and their
feedback. Zarca’s Touch Rules Manager module can help you automatically ensure
compliance with such policies