Sample Surveys for Associations/ Sample Questions for Surveys for Associations
The employee internal satisfaction survey is for companies with multiple departments to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of those departments as perceived by their fellow employees.
Do you intend to attend the upcoming Conference?
Yes |
No |
Maybe |
Why do you not intend to attend the upcoming Conference?
Characters Remaining:
From the list below, please select all of the cities in which you might like the upcoming Conference to be held.
Option 1
Option 2 |
Option 3 |
Option 4 |
Option 5 |
Option 6 |
Do you prefer to have the entire Conference take place in one venue, in several venues in a central location, or in several venues spread throughout the city?
One venue |
Several venues in a central location |
Several venues throughout the city |
Will you stay at the hotel used or recommended by the Conference organizers, at a different hotel, or arrange for another type of accommodation?
Hotel used or recommended by the Conference organizers |
A different hotel (not one used or recommended by the Conference organizers) |
Another type of accommodation |
Don't Know |
What type of accommodation will you use when attending the upcoming Conference?
Characters Remaining:
Why are you uncertain about the type of accommodation that you will use when attending the upcoming Conference?
Characters Remaining:
If you were able to choose, which topics would you like to see covered in seminars at the Conference? Please be as general or as specific as you like.
Characters Remaining:
How would you like the seminars to be presented? Please select all that apply.
Several speakers on a topic followed by a group question and answer session led by a moderator
Several speakers on a topic, each followed by a question and answer session after his or her presentation led by a moderator
A round-table discussion on a topic
Presentations without a question and answer session
Poster sessions
Seminars with paper handouts
Seminars with electronic handouts (CDs, links to websites)
Seminars with no handouts
Seminars that follow electronic presentations
Seminars that do not follow electronic presentations
Several speakers on a topic, each followed by a question and answer session after his or her presentation led by a moderator
A round-table discussion on a topic
Presentations without a question and answer session
Poster sessions
Seminars with paper handouts
Seminars with electronic handouts (CDs, links to websites)
Seminars with no handouts
Seminars that follow electronic presentations
Seminars that do not follow electronic presentations
How long should the individual seminars last, in your opinion?
Less than one hour |
One to less than two hours |
Two to less than four hours |
Four hours up to a day |
More than a day |
How many breaks do you think each seminar should have?
None |
One |
Two |
Three |
Four or more |
Should there be a trade show at the upcoming Conference?
Yes |
No |
Don't Know |
What types of products or services would you like to see at the trade show?
Characters Remaining:
Please indicate which of the following benefits your employer provides and for which you are currently eligible.
Academics on the subject
Entertainers or comedians
Sports personalities
Television personalities
Motivational speakers
Legal experts
Ethics experts
Entertainers or comedians
Sports personalities
Television personalities
Motivational speakers
Legal experts
Ethics experts
Will you encourage any of your co-workers or colleagues to attend the upcoming Conference?
Yes |
No |
As far as you know, does the company or organization for which you work encourage you, your co-workers, or your colleagues to attend the Conference?
Yes |
No |
Do you intend to come to the upcoming Conference alone, with family, or with co-workers? Please select all that apply.
With family |
With co-workers |
Do you think that there should be organized activities for spouses and other family members at the upcoming Conference?
Yes |
No |
Do you intend to attend any of the Conference social activities?
Yes |
No |
Why do you not intend to attend any of the Conference social activities?
Characters Remaining:
What types of social activities would you like to attend? If you do not see any activity that you would like to attend listed below, then please type it in below. Please select all that apply.
Golf outing |
Early morning walk/run |
Attending a baseball game |
Playing a baseball game |
Amusement park trip |
Other (please specify) |
In the table below please indicate what you think is a reasonable price for the Conference attendees to pay for these types of social outings.
Nothing ($0) |
$1-50 |
$51-100 |
$101-200 |
More than $200 |
Golf outing |
Early morning walk/run |
Attending a baseball game |
Playing a baseball game |
Amusement park trip |
What type of membership in the Association do you hold?
Type 1 |
Type 2 |
Type 3 |
Type 4 |
For how many years have you been a member of the Association?
Less than a year |
1-4 years |
5-9 years |
10-14 years |
15-19 years |
More than 20 years |
What is your gender?
Male |
Female |
What is the name of the company or organization in which you are employed?
What is your position in the company or organization?