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- Why do I need to know about online surveys?
ഀ Through research surveys, understanding the thoughts and opinions of your key stakeholders’ (e.g. customers, employees, members, students/staff) provides extremely valuable insight to drive business decisions. Administering your surveys online also increases response rates, promotes collaboration, saves time, and drastically reduces survey overhead. Our Lunch Seminar will show you how to capture the perceptions and attitudes of your key stakeholders and how to analyze it to take actionable steps in addressing important issues.
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- How do I sign up?
ഀ Event registration is simple. To secure attendance to a Lunch Seminar, simply click the “Yes” link in the seminar email invitation that we sent to you. If you were not sent an invitation and would like to attend, please send us an email at ഀand we will promptly add your name to our list of attendees.
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- Can I bring a colleague(s)?
ഀ Attendance to the seminar is by invite only. If you want to bring a colleague, please send an email ഀto check seating availability. However, unless the person receives a confirmation email ahead of time, they will not be permitted to attend the seminar. When emailing an RSVP, please include the following information:
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- Name ഀ
- Company nameഀ
- Titleഀ
- Email addressഀ
- Phone numberഀ
- Seminar location (city)ഀ
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- Can my whole department/staff attend the seminar?
ഀ If this is the case, we recommend that you and your staff attend one of our Webinars where you can view a demo of our platform via a web meeting.
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- What time does the seminar begin?
ഀ Seminar registration starts at 11:30am, lunch orders are taken at 11:45am, and the seminar begins promptly at 12:00pm. We highly encourage attendees to arrive no later than 11:45am.
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- How much does it cost?
ഀ As a compliment to you, we’re offering a free seminar on online surveys. That means you pay nothing and learn a lot.
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- Why should I attend this seminar?
ഀ Every business or organization makes decisions. To support these decisions, we analyze both transactional data and perceptional data. Surveys address the latter form. By attending our seminar, you will walk away with the knowledge you need to quantify these perceptions and ideas in the most efficient, up-to-date way.
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- Will increasing response rates be covered?
ഀ As response rates continue to decrease, it is becoming increasingly important to know why and how we can reverse the cycle. Our Seminar Luncheon on Online Surveys will cover the obvious and not so obvious ways in which we can increase responses from our survey participants.
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- How is this seminar different from others?
ഀ There is a sea of seminars being held and ours is a drop in that ocean. However, what you take away from our event can fuel the growth of an innovative, cost-effective survey initiative. Zarca Interactive is a market-leading provider of online survey solutions and has long list of satisfied clients. Whether your company or organization is just beginning to formulate its strategy or you implemented it years ago, it is essential to be aware of the next generation of online survey tools that are emerging.
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- Who will be speaking at the seminar?
ഀ Our trained seminar orators have expert knowledge of the survey industry, as well as the Zarca online survey software platform.
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- Do we eat during or after the seminar?
ഀ Lunch orders will be taken at 11:45am and will be served at the beginning of the seminar. We welcome you to enjoy your lunch as the seminar presentation is being given.
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- Can we ask questions during the seminar?
ഀ We welcome your questions and will be happy to address them during the presentation. That being said, if the question requires a longer explanation or somewhat digresses from the topic, we kindly ask that you speak with our company representative after the seminar concludes.
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- Where will the seminar be held?
ഀ Going along with our luncheon theme, seminars are held in a hotel/restaurant in a downtown area. For an updated schedule of our seminars, please click on the Seminar Luncheon link on our homepage.
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- How long has Zarca been doing seminars? How often?
ഀ Zarca has been doing seminars since 2002 and we hold 10-15 every month.
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- What other cities does Zarca hold seminars in?
ഀ Throughout the U.S., our Seminar Luncheon on Online Surveys targets large-to-medium sized cities with strong commercial sectors. To find out when we will be visiting your city/area, please send us an email at ഀ.
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- Who do I contact if I have questions?
ഀ Our speaker is available before, during, and after the seminar to field any questions you may have. Should you have questions following the seminar, you may contact this person directly using the number(s) listed on their business card. If you have general questions, please call 703-234-7980.
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- Who else will be attending the seminar?
ഀ Businesses and non-profit organizations from your area.
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- What is the attire for this event?
ഀ We suggest professional attire but if you really don’t feel like wearing that tie, please feel free not to.
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- Why is this event free?
ഀ Simply put, it’s on us. A gesture of goodwill. However, this incentive is not meant to be the only good thing you should expect from our seminar.
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- Why am I invited to this seminar?
ഀ We invite select professionals from companies and organizations that we feel will greatly benefit from attending our seminar.
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- How do I unsubscribe from any further solicitation?
ഀ To decline the invitation, simply click the “REGRETS” link in the email invitation. To stop receiving emails from Zarca, click the email link at the bottom of the email invitation where it says “If you do not wish to receive future emails from Zarca Interactive, please click here."
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